Developing the (first) independence
Pampering means something very different from comfort. Pampering means saying to the child, as it were: don't listen to your sense of life, it's best to have another sweet although you get nauseous, it's best to stay up for a while although you're spinning from sleep. A spoiled child learns not to take himself seriously and may not develop his sense of comprehension properly later on.

Wanting to grab and grab is the motivation for movement in the young baby. After three months, the baby sees his own hand passing by and stops it with his other hand. Playing with his own hands and feet are joyful movements for the sense of movement.
Baking the legs and feet can be a stimulus for the sense of movement of the arms and hands because peace and quiet of a few limbs (the legs) can give extra attention to the development of arms and hands.
Joy and lightness in the home is both an achievement of a well-developed sense of movement and a stimulus for its development.

When a movement expresses a feeling, it becomes from an ordinary movement to a gesture. When motor skills are limited, eurythmy can be healthy to promote movement. Because eurythmy is based on movements in the etheric that existed before the child was born but mechanically mimics physical movements, it is not conducive to a young child who is not yet ready to do so internally.
If the movements develop freely it is the capacity of the soul which is developed. Drama and play bring about natural movements and polite gestures spontaneously and in freedom.
One of the higher senses the sense of language and/or form builds ahead of the sense of movement.
For the development of the language and / or figure sense it is important that the child has been able to move freely. This higher sense is built up from the sense of movement. This means that the child may and can develop motor skills at its own pace and in its own way, the child does not learn by living out but by moving. Also in the movement there is a natural need for rest and containment. This is offered by working with many repetitions in rhythmic games and verses which were traditionally offered at the free kindergarten. A speech and drama play therapist also works with these rhythmic games and verses when the motor skills need to be further developed. The shape sentence develops when natural toys and many forms of different material can be felt and seen. In the language it's about vowels and consonants, which merge into words and in the music it's about the characteristic sound of each instrument including the human stone. In the visual arts and design, such as modeling, this is about hollow, convex, pointed outwards or sharp inwards, notched or angled. When the language is expressed in writing, the writing marks are added, which the reader translates back into a sound image. Gestures of eurythmy or sign language are also observed with this sense.
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