Just as the sense of touch teaches a child where his physical boundary is, so the sense of life teaches him about the state of his life processes or his energy body. The sense of life works from birth as well as the sense of touch. When a baby lies quietly and contentedly in his cradle, after drinking and having his eyes open from time to time, and occasionally moves his arms quietly or lies asleep relaxed, he can radiate a deep cosiness . the sense of life informs him about this state of well-being and well-being. Security together with the milk formula where the baby is held in the arms of parents, form the growing climate for the sense of life.

Pampering means something very different from comfort. Pampering means saying to the child, as it were: don't listen to your sense of life, it's best to have another sweet although you get nauseous, it's best to stay up for a while although you're spinning from sleep. A spoiled child learns not to take himself seriously and may not develop his sense of comprehension properly later on.
The sense of life works in the field of the ether body (the energy body), it provides information about the functioning of life processes. The ether body is the energy body with which for instance in the tai-chi is worked but also during eurythmy. This gives the basis for the later feeling that you live in your home as a matter of course, that eating, drinking and breathing are natural processes, with which you enjoy maintaining your home. This results in the feeling: me and my body are one, I am my body.
All kinds of organ feelings such as abdominal pain, nausea and headaches do not strictly fall under the sensations of the sense of life. Organ sensations come to consciousness directly in the psyché (soul), without the sense of life coming into play. In case of pain, the sense of life is put out of action at that moment.

The feeling of healthy life force is easily associated with sexuality, but many will also know the refreshing effect of an original and well thought out lecture. After all, three areas can be distinguished from the autonomous nervous system over which the sensitive instruments of the sense of life spread: an upper area in relation with the environment-oriented senses and speech, a middle area in relation with breathing, circulation and digestion thus in relation with the life processes, and a lower area in relation with the genitals and excretion functions (Schoorel, 2008, p. 130-147).
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