Basis of healthy development of attachment
A birth process is characterized not only by joy but also by effort and pain. A child may have been born too early or too late, the birth may have been easy, harmonious or difficult with complications. The course of the months of "being pregnant" and the birth already mark the attachment relationship between the child and the parents.
Normally the head is born first, yet there are many children where not the head but the coccyx is born first. The phenomena of physical birth make it possible to orientate ourselves at other births as well. The processes can be broadly the same there, only they do not take place visibly (Schoorel, 2008; Rebirthing Therapy, 2007).
Everything that happens in the first 21 years is preparation. Twenty-one years of preparation make it possible for a person to lead a psychologically healthy and spiritual life according to his own moral compass or not.
When the child is born, it feels its mother's and father's arms around it. The first sensory contact with the parents is via
the sense of touch. Often the child lies on the mother's belly and there it has the first touch experience. Because of this and all other tactile experiences, the child gets the opportunity to experience his body as a solid temple.

A child experiences a sense of security and safety when:
The child learns to connect with his parent(s) in the first three years if they receive sufficient care, love and structure between 0 - 7 years.
Practically speaking, a healthy attachment also develops through rest, rhythm and regularity.
At the same time the child learns to connect with his own body.
Thereby the development of the body-orientedsenses (touch) plays an important role
Development of the body, senses and functioning of the organs in the first three years
Construction of basic faculties: walking, speaking, thinking
From the 3rd to the 7th year: development of first self-feeling, fantasy, play
Attachment: connecting with the other, with one's own body, with living habits (especially of the family)